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Victimology and Social Support

The subtle art of blaming the victim | psychology Today. (n.d.).

In our modern society, approximately 240,000 individuals across 150,000 feel personality victimized by other people, making it a prominent social challenge. According to the Scanlon Foundation’s Mapping Social Cohesion survey in 2016, 20% of Australians had experienced racial or religious discrimination during the past 12 months. Whereas in ten years, there were 47,571 racist incidents’ recorded by the police in England and Wales.

Victimology is a mental attitude that tends to indulge and perpetuate the feeling of being a victim. Specialized studies and statistics show its significance, prompting us to delve into the causes of this issue. Diversity among people, a variety of nations, races, and cultures often give rise to feelings of unease within the social structure. While we can't answer the question "why," it appears to be related to differences in appearance, identity, and societal norms.

The exaggerated reactions of society to these differences can be daunting, emphasizing the need for individuals to pay less attention to external judgments. To address this problem effectively, I have created a list of steps to follow. Being involved in local clubs and organizations allows you to connect with open-minded people and develop lifelong friendships. Active participation in social media as a global platform for seeking understanding and assistance in overcoming life's challenges.

Volunteering is another powerful activity for forging connections and contributing to the community. Participation in volunteer activities not only aids the community, but also boosts self-esteem and creates strong bonds with others. If you feel like you can't get enough support from these ideas, then you might consider therapeutic support. Sometimes the little steps listed above might not be enough, and you might want more. So, make an appointment with a specialist and try to understand the reason for an extra helpless feeling.

It's better for you not to be anxious or pay too much attention to other people's lives. Instead of dreaming of creating a time machine to change the past or developing a mixture to forget about previous events, consider helping the community and yourself as well as trying to visit a specialist.


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